
The tower contains three large bells which are chimed via the method of “clocking” on account of the poor state of repair of the bell frame and wheels. Indeed the very last time they were rung by the “Full Circle” method of ringing was on April 22nd 1978 for the wedding between Simon Mitchell and Clarissa Smith.

The tenor bell, called ‘The Great Bell of Bolton’, is the oldest, dated 1605, and carries the Latin inscription ‘IN IUCUNDITATE SONI SONABO TIBI DNE & IN DULCEDINE VOCIS CANTABO TUO NOE’ meaning ‘With a joyful sound I will ring to Thee, O Lord; in the sweetness of my voice I will sing to Thy Name.’

The middle bell is dated 1629 and carries the Latin inscription ‘DEO GLORIA PAX HOMINIBUS’ meaning ‘Glory to God and peace to mankind’.

The treble bell is dated 1760 and is without any other inscription.

On the north wall of the ringing chamber there is a painted board which carries the following legend:

He That A Bell doth over throw Shall twopence pay, before he go.

And he that Rings with Spur or hat Shall fourpence pay, be sure of that.

And if these orders he refuse no less then sxpence will Excuse.

All Saints’ bell ringing rules