October 2015 Update

An open meeting was held for all Bolton Percy villagers to update them on progress. The below is a resume of the meeting.

21 October 2015, 7pm
An open meeting for all BOLTON PERCY villagers

The Committee updated everyone on progress regarding the nave and tower roofs.  Over 30 villagers attended the meeting which was a superb turnout.

Four members of the Steering Group gave presentations on various aspects of the project.  Phil Heron the Churchwarden gave an overview of the work that has already been completed during the Development Stage, working with the Heritage Lottery and various consultants.  The architect’s plans and consultants reports were displayed for everyone to see.  He also presented our vision for the future and how work on the roofs will progress given that we secure the next stage Delivery Grant from the Heritage Lottery.

Alan Swain (Chairman of the Friends) updated everyone on progress of the bell tower and bells.  The bell tower is in a perilous state and expert advice is being sought. Specialists in church bells have also been consulted.

Thanks was given to Jackie Giles, Nigel & Janet Thorpe, Jim Reid and Jim Davis for helping Roger Brook to keep tidy the Cemetery Garden.  A great improvement and much appreciated.

We also heard from Denise Ford about an old Parish Register which was thought to be lost but has now been rediscovered.  This is a register of births and deaths dating from 1571 which was painstakingly re-written by a curate at Bolton Percy in the mid 1850’s. This is a fascinating document which has now been digitized and will be helpful for those tracing family ancestry.

Also on display was the Bible and Pledge Umbrella which helped secure our Heritage Lottery Grant.  There was also literature on past famous people who have attended All Saints’:  Henry Hunnings (inventor and Vicar) and poet Andrew Marvell who attended the church whilst living at Nun Appleton House as Tutor to Lord Fairfax’s daughter in the mid 17th century.

The second application to the Heritage Lottery Fund, Places of Worship is scheduled to be submitted in the early part of 2016.  If our application is successful we hope to be sending out letters to tender to contractors in the very near future.  We will keep you posted